(from Multiply)
The day started out cold and gusty--I love days like that. I woke up just in time to get ready for class and slide in as the teacher, Dr. Lankford took role. College Algebra class--I am so glad I was able to switch to that class rather than taking Basic College Algebra or waiting a semester. We did some word problems today and that happens to be an area that Mr. Deland focused on at Cedars. So, that was kind of fun really.
Understanding Old Testament--the teacher had me concerned for a bit as to whether he believed that the Bible is the inspired word of God. Sometimes, that class had me feeling so frustrated, but today the conclusion was reached and it puts me much at ease. Before, he referenced the two names for God in chapter one and two of Genesis as two gods and the stories as two separate stories. Today, we finished the discussion. That was a discussion of seeming, today was a discussion of meaning. With meaning, you look at what the text actually says, what it meant (to the best of our ability to discover) to the people at the time of writing, and what it means for us. Chapter one ends in the beginning of chapter two with the seventh day on which God rested from His labour. We were created in His image, and created to worship Him. The second telling of the creation of man concludes with the creation of woman and man and woman being joined as one flesh. The teacher drew from this the importance of humanit

Part of what he did before going into his explanation was to present us with the scenario of his being a friend who is a sceptic--he sees two gods, two stories, and doesn't see how they fit or make sense, and he really doubts this whole god thing and is asking you what you are getting from these passages. Apparently, this was something the teacher went through, and that has an influence on his round about methods of coming to a point. In any case, it has me thinking....
Eric will sometimes ask questions in ways that are a little unsettling to make me think things through. It does help give perspective at times, and you rarely forget what you learned.
ReplyDelete--a good way to ask question, though. They are supposed to make you think, generally speaking.