Thursday, November 15, 2012

Crazy World . . .

I saw the name of a file--"crazyworld." I opened and found a bit of nonsense that did not feel entirely like nonsense anymore . . .
Here it is:

Tweedle-de-dee, tweedle-de-dee
it's such a life of merrily
the dogs, they fly, and cats do spin
like tops upon a needle-pin.
I'm laughing, hacking like a clown
and hanging, swinging upside down.
It's the crazy life of might-have-beens
and what-if's and in-betweens.

Tweedle-de-dee, tweedle-de-dum
It's twisting away from the humdrum,
but I don't know and I can't care,
What happens there won't happen here.
I'm spinning, swirling out of focus--
It's a mad and sad and crazy circus.
The maybe's are a-gathering round
this dead old circus ground.

But none of it's real, none of it's real--
At least that's what I think, I feel
When dogs like kites, and cats like tops
and the wire sits and the grandee hops
and I'm laughing crying downside up
For I don't know where I am now
and I don't know where I'm going now.
And I don't know when or why or how.