Jesus was crucified,
died, and was buried, but he did not stay there. It is glorious to
know that Jesus Christ was not defeated by death. He resurrected.
He is alive. Things were not going to be the same as they had been,
though. His disciples were a bit astounded at his ascension. Now
Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father. He left his disciples
with instructions and a promise.
The Holy Spirit
descended at Pentecost. We might call this the birthday of the
Church; it had already been conceived, but now it burst forth.
Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter and the apostles preach the
gospel—who Jesus is, what they had done to him, where he is
now,...and we accept that Jesus is the Son of God and Son of Man,
that he was crucified, died and buried, and that he rose on the third
day in accordance with the scripture. We repent of our sins and ask
for God's pardon. We follow in the teachings of Jesus through his
apostles much like the early Christians.
Years later, Mary,
Jesus mother, died, but that was not her end. She had stood there at
the foot of the cross. She was there when Jesus was buried and when
he rose from the dead. She was in the upper room with the apostles,
praying. She was herself a witness to who Jesus is. After her
death, she was taken body and soul into heaven, and there she
intercedes for us much as she did while here on earth. She also
stands as a witness to the truth of God's promise, as we believe in
the resurrection of the body. We believe that, as we believe in
Jesus, even if we die, we shall yet live.
Mary received a
crown of glory that will not fade away. Her humility and obedience
is an example to all Christians. Her prayers help to sustain the
faithful and encourage the doubting. She points us to Jesus, our
risen King--Jesus who did not leave his disciples orphans—and our
blessed Lord saves us.
Glory be to the
Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the
beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen.
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