Thursday, November 24, 2016


What great gods ruled the universe in eons past?
Gods of ocean with stormy blast,
Gods of winds with winding ways--
Upon this world they roamed--or so
I'm told. I listened to the stories old
From near and distant lands and
Wondered at the way they wandered
In search of life long-lasting beyond thought.

The cunning warrior endowed with wit
By strength and skill destroyed his foes
Not Death. No. Deliverance from death
No Mortal yet knows. Not famed archers
Nor spear-men bold for dragon killing known.
Death comes. And all must pass that door
To the world beyond our understanding.
The towers fall and tragedy erases
Monuments made by vanished men.
Even gods vanish; in time are veiled
From memory like moments sharp
That soften, and slowly disappear.

New gods are wakened by our powers
But then who, we wonder, is truly God?
We invent ourselves, invert ourselves
In searching still, for simple happiness and
Lasting life rich wrought with meaning.
We tell ourselves the gods are like us
Or we, like gods invent, therefor we can
invert what's seen and unseen, mystery and
Understood, Truth and falsehood in our hands
Like uneven measures in the hands
Of that blind woman who stands, sword ready.
We think we command the sword because
The words we use and alter to suit our needs.

But their is a man who spoke:"I said
you were gods" to sarcastic non-seekers
Who truly thought they sought aright the light
Of all ages in their careful texts.
They knew they asked the correct questions
And took him to task for wrongly replying.
They chose right and wrong. They chose
For everyone, for their gods were in their heads.
They would create and demonstrate their power
Fashioning some to follow their flight to heaven.
Enlightened, knowers, believing in the gods they
Best knew, crafted in the image of themselves.
Poor moon-faced idiots, they did not realize
They but un-wholly reflected the light of

that greater Son.   

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