Sunday, August 22, 2010

End of Summer Vacation: Masque Ball

It was the party of the season as we celebrated Abby Fodor, Esther Mahoney, and Naomi Mahoney. I didn't get many pictures at all of the dancing, but at least I didn't take all shadow pictures :-)


  1. How beautiful is this? It looks like so much fun!!

  2. Or crying? It looks as though she could be. But I know she was not.
    I like the shadow-i-ness of the next, but the content/staging of this one.

  3. Hm. In the album (second and third pictures), it looks as though Dad and Esther are looking at or past each other.

  4. Wow! Aren't our expressions just so wonderful! I look frightened, Naomi looks scary, and Tonya- well, she's speaking. :)

  5. Naomi's hair and outfit were totally amazing! She was gorgeous.

  6. hmm...I didn't think I could get red eye, and this picture is terrible of me :P
