Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pax Vobiscum

(Multiply Archives)
A couple of Sundays ago, I realized that I missed Wednesday, but thought well, I guess it's a good thing, because this has been an amazing weekend.  I kept on running into peace in the midst of everything.  Peace when the enemy attacks in Amos, peace in the midst of storms with Jesus (forget which gospel), and knowing the Peace Speaker (in song).  It really stood out that if our trust is in Jesus, even if we do not know what on earth (or sea) is going on, we can be at peace and confident, and if He has said that we are going to the other side, we are going to make it to the other side no matter how unlikely that seems in the moment.
So, it was Wednesday again.  Then Tuesday came and I knew what to write for Wednesday.  See, Micah has this piece (ch 7) where it basically says that you cannot trust anyone.  Then it says starting in verse 7, "Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.  Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.  I will bear the indignation of the LORD, because I have sinned against him, until he plead my cause, and execute judgment for me: he will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold his righteousness."
(emphasis added by me).
It comes back to trusting God.  Even when I know I've messed up, I can confidently turn back to God, because He is my light.  He even pleads on my behalf.  He brings me forth to the light and I behold His righteousness; and when that happens, I cannot help but be moved to desire to be purer, more like Jesus.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

So, I'm sleepy, nothing new.

I'm sitting here processing the day in a loose sort of way.  Big Sleep and Case Study and Baptism and Info Tech fun-ness.  RFID.  What does that make you think of?  What comes to mind?  Do you have an emotional response?
What about Baptism?  Is it a singular occurrence, or is it something that can be repeated depending on circumstances?  Example: random person, raised Catholic, strayed from faith, decides to commit life to Christ, wants to be baptized.  Does the infant baptism count for something?  Is it a "questionable" practice?  Is a second baptism a good or bad idea?
That's all for this week.
Yes, I am going to make the effort to post once a week.  Oh, the baptism question was inspired by a conversation that I overheard in the library.  It was interesting.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Who'd have guessed?

From way back at Bethel

So, I sat down to supper with some cool people (Jocelyn, Mary-something?, and Kelsey Collins) and skittles was the topic.  We had a serious discussion about the order in which skittles are eaten and the flavours.  Jocelyn commented that it was the best discussion she'd had all day.  I thought to myself, "I just had an even better discussion in class--WAIT!  That was an education class!"  That never happens.  I should say "almost never happens," but this class is different.  We are not required to read the text book.  Dr. Able talks with us about the exceptionalities in a practical sort of way and encourages a lot of class discussion.  Today we were talking about gifted students and ways to help them.  I really think those students I have a particular passion for helping to learn beyond the curriculum.  Anyway, we discussed compacting of lessons.  (Give a pre-test, those who score above a certain level get to skip the grind work and do a related "enrichment" project instead).  After class, I talked with the teacher a bit more.
Here is the thing I think people should realize, giftedness is not necessarily just an inborn trait, it can be developed through an encouraging environment.  I think if more parents or other adults spent more quality time with young folk, working with them, playing with them, teaching them, they would develop the attributes associated with giftedness--intellectual curiosity, analytical and creative faculty, asking the questions, discovering answers, designing, researching, inventing, leading . . .

(I still think "giftedness" can be developed, as a teacher I see some students grow from seeming to be backwards at everything, to developing talents in particular areas, to doing well in much.)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What doesn't kill you . . . :-)

(Multiply Archives)
Recently, I finally finished a sort of “homework assignment from God.”  I felt led to read, reread, copy, reread I Peter.  It was a pretty big disciplining experience as well as an enlightening one.
One of the verses that strengthened my resolve in life said: “In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;”
Here is the thing–”if necessary.”  Any difficulty that arises can not only be used for good(i.e. an opportunity to grow) they are necessary in life.  That awareness along with other verses from the same book (  “. . . Prepare your minds for action . . .” “all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.  . . . For the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and his ears attend to their prayers . . .”) Gave a new focus in my life.  I was strengthened in my internal battles against sin, and in my commitment to live for God.  They really go together.  I still trip at times, or become tired and start to drag my feet, but the point is to keep going.
A parallel in the physical world would be my martial arts class that I added on Thursday August 25.  It was hard work getting through the exercises they had us do.  I felt like falling down.  It was, leg lifts, fast as you can go! 20 seconds–10 second breath–drop push ups to the side, as many as you can, 20 seconds–10 second breath before–jump squats back and forward, 20 seconds–10 second breath–jump down sideways, into the air, down the other side, 20 seconds–10 sec. breath–one legged squats, 20 seconds, you can go faster–10 second breath–Do you get the point?  It was hard and fast and they kept us at it for 4 minutes, gave us a 1 minute break and had us going again, and so on until we had gone at least 15 minutes.  The ten second breaks were just long enough to make me realize how weak I was.  They lead us in stretches and then talked with us before dismissing us.  I felt wobbly and amazing, similar to when I realized that the blessing I inherit is the Creator’s personal attention.
Then I realized, I need to keep this up.  If I don’t, I’m going to be a pulp next time.  So Friday morning, I exercised with some roommates a bit.  I was terribly stiff and sore Friday night, but there was still the realization that this was a good thing.  The pain will not last forever, endurance will come.  The same goes for my spiritual life, and that is exciting.
So, now I'm reading Micah (re-reading), and tomorrow will be my second martial arts class.  My legs have just regained approximate normalcy.  Here's to continued growth!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Well, I had been going to go to sleep, but this is more important.

(From way back at Bethel)

So, on Saturday we set up at a church in preparation for the 'morrow and went to a Baymont Inn to sleep.  (It was really nice).  I had been wearing my new necklace that I had bought.  As usual for that necklace, I took it off before showering.  I set it on the nightstand with my hair-elastic.
 Bus call was 9:00 the next morning.  I set my alarm for 8.  There was a wake-up call (very loud and obnoxious ringing) shortly after 7:30.  We made it shut-up and went back to sleep.  Timing was bad.  I woke up, looked at my cell that had made its way from on top of my computer to right next to my hand and freaked--"8:52!"  I was up.  I alerted my sleeping roomy to the time.  We were dressed and downstairs on the bus by 9:06.  We went, we sang, we ate (lunch was delicious.  I was very hungry) and packed up. And then I realized, I don't have my necklace
It was not a happy thought.  But I realized something else.  Ultimately, it was a piece of jewelry, I liked it, I bought it, but --it's a piece of jewelry.  So, I talked to God about it.  It turned out someone else left a mac, so Peter was going to go back to the hotel to ask after that.  I asked him to ask about my necklace. 
The mac was "not found," (rumour chain info) but I heard nothing about the necklace.  I released it.  It was fine, I mean, I was wearing the necklace Samuel gave me (turquoise cross) and that's the main one I wear. 
We sang, shouted, I lost my voice a bit (it's mostly back, courtesy of being not particularly loquacious).  We came back to campus and began to unload.  I went to open the van to pull out the light stuff in there, and Peter handed me a small clear-ish bag with a stiff paper in it, "Here, this is for you." 
"Ok, thanks."  but my voice went from "ok" to "thanks!"  (as much as scratchiness would allow).  The bag held my compass necklace!  I thanked God also.  I was pretty tickled.

Tonight, I was in a poetical-philosophical mood.  Earlier I had thought slipping....hmmm.....<insert image of page with scrolling illegible words>....slipping and since I was on facebook (randomly), I opened a note and started typing (edited and posted it).  Anyway.
While showering, I poeticized about humanity and grace and the cross, and as I scrubbed I heard a "ting!"  I looked around and saw nothing.  Then I saw my chain hanging.  Then I saw it was not broken but the cross was gone.  Teaches me to wear jewelry to shower.  But I've never--almost never taken it off for anything! Why this time . . . but I couldn't find it around the drain or in the shower. I had just dealt with a similar situation--but this was different. 
This was my cross.  I could feel it or see it and it served as a reminder of The Cross.  That's partly why I liked to wear it.  Again, I realized it was still an ornament, a piece of jewelry, but I told God that it was still different and special because my brother gave it me, and I wanted it back.  I don't know where my other cross is, and I suppose I could get a replacement, but this one was more special--it's the one my brother gave me. 
A thought niggled forward in my brain.  Last week, I was impressed that I needed to deal with my concept of personal property.  Not that God was sitting up there saying, "you need need to deal with this, so--let's see--unclasp now and--ha!--down it goes into the drain!  Now what are you going to do?"  But, thinking of it, I've been risking that happening all these years (not thinking of it, but, still).  Anyway, it was an opportunity to act.
What could I do?  I guess I could send maintenance an e-mail. . . .Ok.  whether it gets results or not, I can do that.  and if you do find a little silver and turquoise (light blue-ish) cross, could you--first sanitize!--return it?  Then i told God that I realized I didn't have to have it and moved on--poeticizing about sin and judgement and forgiveness and mercy between people because the mercy God has given as I dried up and began to gather the shower stuff to leave.
Then I saw it.  On the tiles outside the shower was that little cross.  Lord!  you really are merciful!  Thank you, Lord.  I...just, thanks! I stooped and picked it up. 
How like God.  He knew I valued it more than I would value a replacement.  He also knew that I needed to realize that I didn't need it or any thing aside from Him.  He let it vanish, long enough for me to realize it and long enough for me to surrender it to Him.  Then God showed that it hadn't disappeared into the abysmal sewage, but had just gone out of sight for a moment.  
Then I almost cried, now I did shed a few tears. In any case, as I wear that necklace, I will remember, it is a gift from God, too. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why is mathematics important to theology?

According to Roger Bacon in his Opus Majus there are seven reasons.  One of them has to do with geography.  Basically, his theory is that we cannot rightly understand the scriptures if we do not understand the geographical situation of its histories.  Because, if we cannot understand that, we cannot understand the literal sense of the scripture, and if we cannot grasp the literal, how can we hope to understand any spiritual meaning? 

This was one example offered:
" We note that the Jordan flows down from north to south to the east of Jerusalem, which lies to the west, a little way from the Great [Mediterranean] Sea. Between these two, on this side of Jordan, is Jericho, a city surrounded by its plain. Next comes Mount Olivet, then the Valley of Josaphat, and after it Jerusalem. Now the saints tell us that the world is represented in their method of interpretation by Jordan, both symbolically and because of the river's characteristics. For one thing, it flows into the Dead Sea, a symbol of the Inferno; there are also many other reasons. Jericho, in the view of the saints, symbolizes the flesh. Mount Olivet signifies the loftiness of the spiritual life, because of its own loftiness, and the sweetness of devotion, as sweet as its oil. The Valley of Josaphat signifies lowliness through the meaning of valley, "a low place," and true humility in the presence of majesty, (186) since the translation of the name Josaphat is "in the sight of the Lord." Jerusalem itself means "vision of peace"; in its moral interpretation it points to the holy soul which possesses peace of heart. Allegorically it signifies the Church Militant; analogically, the Church Triumphant.
We all hope to pass with peace in our hearts from the beginning of our life (the dawn of our physical birth and the sunrise of reason's theory and practice) to its end, the sunset of old age; this is our hope expressed in moral terms. We all hope to be true and faithful members of the Church, beneath whose shade we may rest, untroubled by the malign assaults of our enemy; this is the same hope expressed as allegory. We hope that in this life our thoughts may be turned [by analogy] to the heavenly Jerusalem, and that at our death we may pass to that heavenly city, there to dwell in the beauty of peace, in the tents of faith, in rest and in fullness. Whoever hopes for all this must first leave Jordan-this world-behind, either by reducing it to his control, like the saints who live in the world, or abandon it completely, as the monastics do. This is the first stage of progress to a spiritual life, a stage easier than the others.
Having achieved this, he must next do battle with the flesh, something not as easy to overcome as the world, being very close to us and never abandoning its subject.[isn't that the truth!] He must not, therefore, charge it by brute force and destroy it, but must bridle its arrogance slowly and tactfully. This is why it is figured by Jericho and the plain around it; one must advance in penitence along the level road, thus justifying the reasonable obedience of his flesh. For if he foolishly overwhelms his flesh by violence, his spirit can never attain the greater heights. In acting patiently he will be unlike most people who have been turned to penitence, who for a year or two humble their own bodies, but thereafter are good for nothing, unable to benefit themselves or anyone else.
But after a man has put down the world under his feet and has overcome the flesh in the way he should, then-and not until then-he is ready to rise up to the heights of spiritual life and the sweetness of true devotion. From then on he will be able to climb up to Mount Olivet and gain the pinnacle of human perfection and immerse himself in the delight of prayer and contemplation of God. But even when he has trained himself by the ascent from all sides of that height, he must still cross the valley of Josaphat-that is, he must finish the course of his life in complete humility and make himself poor and humble of spirit in the eyes of God, not merely his own or those of his fellow men. For many look humble to themselves and to other men, but in the presence (187) of God and his angels are puffed up with arrogance.[never thought of that]
When at last he has ended his whole life in perfect lowliness, then he has entered Jerusalem, in all three senses of the word. He will possess peace in his heart, the peace which follows perfection of the life of the spirit. "To the ungodly there is no peace," says the Lord. But the saints possess the peace of God, which transcends the senses of mankind. Free from all troubles, he will rest in the peace of the Church Militant-the peace unknown to the faithless and sinful, who drag on in the state of damnation, plagued by the Devil and driven from one sin to another, punished for one, then tormented for another. Even in this life he must play his part, as it is said, by sure and certain hope and by revelation, in that blessed vision of the peace of Jerusalem that is above, which by the grace of God he will win after his death."
I never thought of geography that way . . .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A poem

From back at Bethel

First I just want to say, I really did see on three different days, three dead blackbirds.  The first was kind of peacefully melancholy, the second kind of sad, the third, depressing.  It was weird.  So . . .

Three Dead Crows

The first day, the rain came down and wept great tears over one
                    fallen, alone
The second day came and with it cool winds
                         over two were blown
And on the earth the second lay
  under the blue sky,
and the first not far away
   on the corner lies
The third day, the last lay stiff with no wind or tear
                       in dirt and decay.
The fourth day, I also shall disappear
                           and nothing say.

Ah! You my friends had a song to sing!
And who ever flew the way you flew!
But down to the earth is bound the wing
That once through heavens flew
Down to the earth, you who three
    once through blue sky and grey sky
and in bold despite of gravity
  soared.  But now cold death
has reminded me
how slight is the breath of humanity.

The first day came with a weeping sky
         and tears rolled off your back
The second day came with bitter winds
         that ruffled the dull and black
The third day came with only decay
        and in filth you laid and in dearth
The fourth day I shall fade away
        and never walk this earth.